Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Christmas Carol ***

Fabulous in 3D, wonderfully animated, with much-improved motion capture and facial expressions over Zemeckis' previous "Polar Express" and "Beowulf," this "Christmas Carol" is a scary delight. With much more emphasis on the horrors to come if he does not mend his ways than many renderings of this oft-told tale, this Scrooge is as nasty as his impending fate. I loved the characterizations, Jim Carrey's amazing work (he plays eight characters), and the tour de force animation, reveling in flights and swoops that would be impossible for a mere camera. It's literally great fun for the whole fam damly.

Rated PG. 96 minutes. Robert Zemeckis - Director / Writer (screenplay) / Producer, Charles Dickens - Writer (novel), Jack Rapke - Producer, Steve Starkey - Producer, Robert Presley -Cinematographer, Alan Silvestri - Composer, Doug Chiang - Production Designer, Jeremiah O'Driscoll - Editor. Produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

Principal actors: Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Robin Wright Penn, and Cary Elwes.

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