Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts ****

Once again the good people at Pixar have assembled the Oscar nominated animated shorts, and we have a chance to see them, along with a few honorable mentions, before the Oscars. My personal favorite is "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore," a whimsical and heartfelt tribute to the power of books and the imagination. It's too bad we don't get a chance to see works like this more regularly in the multiplexes.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pina 3D ****

Truly, there are some things that cannot be said with words. That is the overwhelming lesson of "Pina." The Pina in question is Philippina "Pina" Bausch, German choreographer and artistic director of her own troop in Wupperthal, where she created a large repertory of works with a loyal corps of dancers. She died, tragically, in 2009 a few days after a cancer diagnosis and just before a long-planned documentary by Wim Wenders was to begin filming. That documentary, now also a tribute and a memorial, is now finished, with excerpts from many of her most famous works along with interviews with dancers and footage of Pina herself speaking about her art.

"Pina" is in 3D as well, which provides the most visceral experience of a dance movie I have ever seen. At times the viewer is literally in the middle of the action on stage, and the sheer physicality of the movements is overwhelming. The music as varied as the movements, and the subjects range from the unending seasons of the year to struggle, love, and longing. Wenders also makes use of locations in Wupperthal, a city with abundant parks and a famous monorail. This movie is a joy to experience.