Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tron: Legacy IMAX 3D ***

Sleek, sexy, stylish, and visually stunning, "Tron: Legacy" delivers an enjoyable ride. It's thin on story, and wouldn't stand up to much analysis of its world, but the place depicted is stunning, especially in IMAX, with energetic and colorful music by Daft Punk. The digital world, with its light cycles and levitating transports, gets added zest from 3D, while the meat world is shot in 2D - a nice touch. I liked the cast, especially the two Jeff Bridges - one a digitally young construct, and the other the older and wiser present day self. Worth your time, even if your not a fan boy.

Rated PG. 127 minutes. Starring: Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde. Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

Joseph Kosinski - Director, Edward Kitsis - Writer (screenplay) (story), Adam Horowitz - Writer (screenplay) (story), Brian Klugman - Writer (story), Lee Sternthal - Writer (story), Steven Lisberger - Writer (characters) / Producer, Bonnie MacBird - Writer (characters), Sean Bailey - Producer, Jeffery Silver - Producer, Claudio Miranda - Cinematographer, Daft Punk -Composer, Darren Gilford - Production Designer, James Haygood - Editor.

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