Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek *****

"Star Trek" is everything you could ask for: a muscular, effects-laden reboot of the franchise that is totally accessible to non-trekkies. Add availability in IMAX and you've got a sure winner. (It's too bad "Night at the Museum 2" knocked it off the big screen after just two weeks, but I'm sure it will be back for those of us no longer up to midnight shows.)

This origin story pulls the familiar crew of the starship Enterprise together with some cadet rivalry and romance along with a time-jumping story line. Chris Pine as Kirk brings just the emotional, intuitive, rule-breaking quality that was so attractive in "Bottle Shock," while Zachary Quinto distills the role of Spock the half-human, half emotionless Vulcan to a clear essence. Producer/director J.J. Abrams has done an outstanding job pulling the pieces together, and whetting our appetites for the sequels sure to come.

Rated PG-13. 127 minutes. J.J. Abrams - Director / Producer, Roberto Orci - Writer, Alex Kurtzman - Writer, Gene Roddenberry - Writer (television series "Star Trek"), Damon Lindelof - Producer, Dan Mindel - Cinematographer, Michael Giacchino - Composer, Scott Chambliss - Production Designer, Maryann Brandon - Editor, Mary Jo Markey - Editor. Produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures.

Principal actors: John Cho, Ben Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Winona Ryder, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin, Eric Bana, and Leonard Nimoy.

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