Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Bucket List *

I am sorry to report that "The Bucket List" expires before its main characters do. It's a promising premise: two old guys dying from cancer make a list of things to do before kicking the proverbial bucket and go on a trip together to actually do them. One of the guys, luckily enough for the story, is fabulously wealthy, so money is no object. And the actors are promising: Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, two of the greats, and Sean Hayes as Nicholson's assistant. But the script, the acting, and the production are all pedestrian, even sloppy at times.

The story movement is oh so predictable, as each man must deal with something unfinished in his life. Some of the banter is amusing, but the laugh lines are old or weak. I couldn't believe Nicholson's character repeated a line about three things never to do that my Dad has been saying for ten years. I expected more chemistry between Nicholson and Freeman, but it just all seemed so flat. The foreign location shots look like they were running short on money, with obvious doubles for Nicholson and Freeman on The Great Wall of China, on top of a pyramid, on Safari, etc. There were even continuity problems, with blood suddenly appearing on Nicholson's chin in one scene, and his collar jumping in and out of his jacket in another.

The movie's Web site, on the other hand, is impressive. I would encourage you to check it out (, but skip the movie.

Rated PG-13. 97 minutes. Produced by Storyline Entertainment. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

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