I thought it was fun. The idea sound fine: take a vision of life on Mars imagined and published exactly a century ago by the popular and prolific Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of Tarzan, and give it the full CGI treatment with four-armed natives (above), a beautiful princess (Lynn Collins) and a strapping young hero (Taylor Kitsch). Mix in some steam-punkish flying machines (which don't have to work that hard on the lower gravity on Mars), some interplanetary travel via mumbo-jumbo, and you've got a winner, right? I'm sure it sounded great in the board room, and that's why Disney sunk a reported $250M into the project.
Unfortunately, it's been one of the biggest domestic bombs ever for such an expensive film, although I suspect international will be a different story. If you like this brand of fantasy action adventure, do see it, and on the largest available screen. It is fun, and while some marketing executives may lose their jobs, we can be glad it got the green light.
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