"Jeff Who Lives at Home" is a sweet fable brought to us by the Duplass brothers, Mark and Jay, who share writing and directing credits. Famous for their pioneering work in independent cinema, and credited as founding lights of the mumblecore movement, they here present some everyday characters in a workaday world who end up on a quest. The Jeff of the title (a suitably disheveled Jason Segel) aimlessly living in his mother's basement, becomes convinced that he must follow a sign he's been shown, no matter where it leads. In the end his journey to Home Depot takes on added meaning as he is led to his impulsive but driven brother (an edgy Ed Helms), who has created a crisis in his marriage. Meanwhile Mom, warmly played by Susan Sarandon, languishes in an unfulfilling cubicle job. Things start to converge, and wonders happen in the most mundane places. I thought it was fine.
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