Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friends With Benefits ***

Contemporary, witty, saucy, funny, fast-paced, and full of chemistry between two likable, attractive stars - what more could you ask for in a romantic comedy? "Friends with Benefits" follows Los Angeles art director Dylan (Justin Timberlake) who is lured to New York by headhunter Jamie (Mila Kunis). There is lots of the usual "meet cute," which is deft and feels authentic, and the two become friends after he takes the job.

Both are bouncing off unsuitable romantic entanglements and decide that it would be better just to have a "friend with benefits" than to get entangled again. OK, what happens from there may be predictable, but the journey is fun, and full of some delicious, unpredictable moments, like Woody Harrelson as an aggressively gay sports editor, and delightful cameos.

I also liked the movie's irreverence for its own cliches, as Dylan and Jamie watch rom coms together and talk about their ridiculous conventions, not to mention the obvious use of L.A. locations for New York. Oh look, there's the Statue of Liberty! Just beyond the palm trees! "Friends" is so cheeky, it does some of the same itself. It's an adult comedy, but does not stoop to raunchy comedy for its own sake, and slyly but knowingly forgoes some tried and trues while embracing others. It's fun.

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