A kind of modern American bedroom farce, "Crazy, Stupid, Love" examines the loves and longings of Cal (Steve Carell) and Emily (Julianne Moore) and their family, from the 13 year-old with a crush to the baby sitter and various others whose unexpected appearances make for for some of the movie's funniest moments. Cal and Emily's separation and impending divorce throw their lives into disarray, as suddenly single Cal learns the moves from smooth operator Jacob (Ryan Gosling) and Emily explores her affair with co-worker David (Kevin Bacon). Emma Stone plays a prominent part in a parallel story about a law student's aspirations for love and commitment. It's a first-rate cast with good material for all, and even the kid and the baby sitter get uncommonly serious treatment and provide uncommonly good performances. It's really more adult than the PG-13 rating, and adults will be the ones who go see it, and who will enjoy it.
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