Every year, in a migration still incompletely understood, millions upon millions of sardines form themselves into shoals of bait for all the sea's predators off the Wild Coast of South Africa. There are millions of Cape Gannets diving from the skys, pods of 3000 dolphins, many species of shark, African Penguins, Cape Fur Seals, and Humpback Whales drawn to the feast. It's a spectacular show captured for the IMAX screen in this wildly-entertaining, beautiful documentary with a terrific score. Recently named the Earthwatch Movie of the Year for 2009, it's a celebration of nature and a rebuke to what we have done to deplete the oceans elsewhere. Take the whole family.
Not rated. 45 minutes. Luke Cresswell - Director / Writer (writer), Steve McNicholas - Director / Writer (writer), Don Kempf - Producer, Steve Kempf - Producer, David Jon Marks - Producer, D.J. Roller - Cinematographer, Reed Smoot - Cinematographer. Produced and distributed by Giant Screen Films.
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