Everyone acquits themselves admirably, especially ... the ... deliciously ... clipped ... Alan Rickman as Professor Snape, who in this film confirms our worst fears about him. Jim Broadbent turns in a fine performance as Professor Slughorn, who is key to discovering the history and vital secret of Voldemort. David Yates is back as director, and "The Half-Blood Prince" is just as well-directed as "The Order of the Phoenix."
Special effects are again spectacular, and well worth seeing in IMAX, which opens with an extended sequence in 3D. The budget was reportedly 250 million dollars, two-thirds more than any other Harry Potter, and it looks like money well spent.
Rated PG. 153 minutes. David Yates - Director, Steve Kloves - Writer (screenplay), J.K. Rowling - Writer (novel), David Barron - Producer, David Heyman - Producer, Bruno Delbonnel - Cinematographer, Nicholas Hooper - Composer, Stuart Craig - Production Designer, Mark Day - Editor. Produced and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.
Principal actors: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, David Thewlis, and Jim Broadbent.
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