An OK drama about a middle-aged couple who once were in love but are no longer bed mates or soul mates. It's mostly, maybe even solely, the fault of Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones), who has adamantly settled into his routine of work, eat, and the golf channel before retiring to his bedroom. His wife Kay (Meryl Streep) is desperately unhappy, and ready to do something drastic. So she enrolls them both in a couples therapy week with a famous doctor (played straight by Steve Carell) in the quaint New England seaside town of Hope Springs. Streep gives this role her usual unstinting labor, but the script, and Arnold's character, is as heavy-handed and stark as that town name. I can see this movie acting as a springboard for some serious conversations in the older demographic it's aimed at, and who filled the theater where I saw it, but it's a so-so movie with a few small moments.
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