Sunday, October 4, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story ***

Michael Moore's latest documentary, "Capitalism: A Love Story," takes a look at a recurrent theme in his work: the devastating effects that U.S. corporations have on the lives of everyday Americans. At times unfocused and at times a bit too reminiscent of his earlier work, there is nevertheless much important material here, and an often searing indictment of how wrong things have gone as more and more wealth has concentrated in the top 1% of Americans, who now control more than the bottom 95% combined.

In such a world it is the titans of industry, and especially Wall Street, who push the levers of power, who go enriched and unpunished as they grind ordinary people into debt and homelessness with their unregulated schemes. And when they miscalculate and suffer huge losses, who gets the bailout, them or the ordinary people who were led into their traps? I think you know.

"Capitalism" is a strong indictment of the "plutonomy" that serves the very rich, and tries to keep the rest of us in line with the hope of one day joining their ranks. In the end, though, what would it be worth to sit on top of such a fetid pile?

Rated R. 127 minutes. Michael Moore - Director / Writer / Producer, Anne Moore - Producer, Daniel Marracino - Cinematographer, Jayme Roy - Cinematographer, Jeff Gibbs - Composer, Jessica Brunetto - Editor, Alex Meillier - Editor, Tanya Ager Meillier - Editor, Conor O'Neill - Editor, Pablo Proenza - Editor, Todd Woody Richman - Editor, John W. Walter - Editor.

Cast: Many politicians, businessmen, and workers, many well-known, some seen for the first time.

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